Friday, August 8, 2008

Mothers Not Baby Mamas

This is an article I wrote for Mother's Day. It's lengthy but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.

I was 19 when I became pregnant with my son. I was in the middle of deciding what college I was going to attend and suddenly I had to decide between breast and bottle. I was unmarried and a job at the gap was about as far I had traveled in the professional world. Looking back at that time and observing many inner city communities now, it’s easy to see that motherhood doesn’t always start with “once upon a time.” In many black & Hispanic communities, motherhood is indeed far from the fairytale image. For many, mother encompasses more than the traditional definition. Mothers play the role of mother, father, provider and anything else her family requires. These single mothers, often raised in single-family homes themselves, need the support of their surrounding communities and most important, the men who’ve helped produce their children.
I was born into a family of addicts. We had everything covered from smack to the horse tracks. My parents were never married and after my mother died of a heroin overdose, my grandmother took over my care. Midst her own alcohol demons, my grandmother worked hard to provide for me. She showered me with praise, told me how important it was to finish school and let me know I could be anything I wanted to be in life. She loved me and built in me the foundations of being a loving mother. I didn’t know it then, but what I wanted and needed in addition to that, was a father.
While experiences differ, many young women who grow up without a father are more likely to become pregnant in their teens. This is a reality for many women of color living in inner cities. The perpetuation of this lifestyle has birthed generations of single mothers and has led to the proliferation of the term, “baby mama.” Made popular through hip-hop songs and street jargon, the baby mama connotes more than just a single mother of a child. Its implications, while true in some cases, are for more demoralizing.
In one definition, the urban dictionary describes baby mamas as “ desperate, gold digging, emotionally starved women who had a baby out of spite or to keep a man.” Baby mamas are often depicted in music videos and songs as scorned women only interested in perpetuating drama for the fathers of their children. It’s sad that this image, this label often comes from the very men who father these children. Unable to offer the paternal presence they never received themselves, it is easier for them to justify their absenteeism by tearing down the mothers of their children.
If you take the time to talk to some of these so-called baby mamas, you will find that there are hopes of substance and longevity within these relationships. They are women with dreams and aspirations. Many have subconsciously looked to substitute fatherly love in amorous relationships. Coming from broken homes, these women don’t have a successful example by which to model their own relationships. This coupled with the fact that many of these men who come from fatherless homes and therefore lack paternal fortitude, results in another generation of children with little or no contact with their fathers. Seventy percent of black youths don’t live with their fathers and statistics show that these children are five times more likely to live in poverty and twice as likely to commit crime, drop out of school and/or abuse drugs and alcohol.

Women who fulfill the baby mama stereotype are the exception, not the rule. This misnomer casts a shadow over the majority of real single mothers trying to make it day to day. Midst the derogation, most single mothers fight for the same things their married counterparts fight for: a better life for their young. Some mothers give up themselves for the better of their children while others acquire the skills they need to better themselves and their children. While some mothers are clearly more successful than others, the love and effort for their children should not be discounted.
“Motherhood doesn’t come with a manual,” shares Kim L. of Queens. “As they grow, you grow.”
Jessica F. of Brooklyn says,” Before I was a mom, I never knew how intense it was.”
Jessica was a single mom when her first daughter was born nearly eleven years ago. She didn’t have the support needed from the father. She says her mother, “trial and error” and “motherly instinct” helped her get through the early years. Now in a successful relationship, Jessica has another daughter, but her desires for her children have remained consistent since the birth of her first child.
“I want my daughters to be secure and independent. I don’t want them to need validation from others.”
She also notes the difference in her dealings with her two daughters. Having to play both roles during her first daughter’s early years, she found that she was often harder on her. Not knowing an alternative, she did her best to ensure that her daughter would one day be able to stand on her own. She has the assistance now in raising her daughters and does not have to figure out the father role.
Like Jessica, I dealt primarily with trial and error and motherly instinct to help get through the early years with my son. We had very little monetarily, but the desire to succeed kept me going. I made many mistakes and my son had to deal with more than he should, but I found the support I needed to pull me out of the cycle. Now married, I see more than ever why children need a stable environment. Women need to be supported, especially by the men who come together with them to produce the next generation.
Some people say that your upbringing determines who or what you become. Some say that who you are is determined before birth. Hence, we have the nurture versus nature argument. While there may be exceptions to the rule, I’ve found that in most cases, true nurture will build a roadblock to a destructive path. We need our men to be fathers. We need to build up our little girls….and boys. When we stop tearing down our own, we will begin to raise up a generation purposed to the success of our people and begin to see the death of baby mama type attitudes. Mothers need to be able to provide a different start for their children’s lives to make lasting changes to their futures. Change begins with one person making a stand. Mothers want the best for their children and should be honored for what they do each day. Don’t wait until the second Sunday in May to celebrate mothers: everyday is Mother’s Day.

From one mother to all those out there, I see you and I salute you.


Jupiter Leo Productions - Wedding Videos said...

Thanks for keeping it real for the sistas out there. This is definitely a real look at life and motherhood. Keep the knowledge flowin!

Unknown said...

Everything that you said in this article is true. Baby mamas have been label for black women for some time now and there needs to be a stop to it. I feel no woman of any color should be label that, bc if it wasn't for us there would be no legacies to continue. Good Job with the blog!!

The Original Wombman said...

I thought about this very topic a few weeks back after having read a post supposedly written by Erykah Badu about her decision to have all her children out of wedlock by different fathers. While I never really knew there was a manipulative, conniving aspect to the term "baby mama". I've only really heard it used to describe mamas like Ms. Badu who don't really have any official titles, i.e. no concrete place in the lives of the fathers of their children (whether by choice or by circumstance). Men who father out of wedlock children, in turn, are called "baby daddys". Interesting to learn of other shades of meaning to this term. I understand better the hoopla surrounding Faux News calling Mrs. Obama a "baby mama".

In my real life, though, being a baby mama has not always been seen as a bad thing. In fact, I know that sometimes it is seen as noble to have "raised that baby all by [one's] self", a badge of pride, a symbol of a single mother's strength, determination and ability to do it all. I've heard the sentiment time and time again: "I can do bad all by myself" which basically reduces men to an accessory that we can do without.

I think the idea of Black women being okay with being "baby mama's" (and, of course, not all Black women are) instead of wives (equal partners in a committed, official relationship) does a huge disservice to our children but also to ourselves. Maybe we can raise kids by ourselves, try to be both mom and dad, but we shouldn't have to. We shouldn't have to be superwomen to prove we are worthwhile while our mental and physical health is in the toilet. We need our families to be strong and intact so that we can be really strong and intact (not just putting on our game face). Our daughters need their fathers to show them how they are beautiful and treasured; how they are loved and how they are to be treated. Our sons need their fathers to show them the same thing but also to show how to be men. We need our men to be partners with us, someone to lean on and share the load with.

Every day is mother's day indeed but I'd like to posit that every day should be "family day" as well. And the change we want to see starts squarely with us, women, who have always been the movers and shakers, the impetus that drives progress and revolution.

Anonymous said...

Amoi, I am truly loving your blog!! Very insightful!I think I will soon join you in this blogsphere!

Penny D.


Hello there!

What a thoughtful post!

Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

Please feel welcome to drop by my blog and jump into some deep conversations whenever you'd like! (smiles)

Anonymous said...

I loved reading what you had to share.

Two years after my mother divorced my 3 siblings' father in the late 1960’s, she met my father and fell in love. As we know, things happen and she became pregnant with me. She was shocked and heartbroken when after sharing the news, my father told her he was married with children. Devastated, she sought counsel from my grandmother and great-grandmother. The told her, "Girl, you have that baby and we'll help you." She asked my siblings and they all said they wanted a little brother. My mother ended the relationship and focused on providing for her family and preparing for my arrival. Needless to say, I was born into a loving family and although my father paid the occasional visit, he didn't contribute to my upbringing emotionally or financially. My mother did it all and our tight-knit family did their part. Other than my older brother, women surrounded me. I guess that’s where I get my sensitivity from, but it’s all good.

My mother worked two and sometimes three jobs to make ends meet. When I began to experience trouble in public school, she took me out and put me in private school. I repeat, she put me into private school. If I had to pick one thing in my life that was monumental in my survival, it was going to private school for 5th to 8th grade. I tell my mother constantly that she saved my life.

One of the things that bother me the most is that after my father, my Mother never seriously dated another man again. Her focus was her kids. I hate the fact that my mother is without a mate in her later years. She gets tons of love from her kids, grandchildren and great-grandchild, but it’s not the same as having a partner. I’ve gone on to earn a bachelors and two master degrees and one of the reasons why I work so hard in my new career is to show my mother what all her hard work and sacrifice has gone. I want to be in the position where she can have anything her heart desires.

Why am I sharing? Amoi’s blog touched me and I want to commend all the single mothers out there who are doing it with pride and hard-work. I pray that you do find a strong, loving man like Amoi has, so your later years won’t be alone. Having a man does not define who you are, but it does make things a whole lot easier on women and children. Men need to step up and be fathers to their children, because a race of people’s survival depends on it. Thanks again Amoi.

I am the sum of my parts said...

Tony, your words have touched me. I share my life experiences with the thought and hope that I might encourage or inspire others but the truth is I am continually inspired my readers responses and support. I don't know that my grandmother really understands how much she has done to make me into the woman I am but I hope that she sees in my hard work a reflection of what she put into me. So many mothers in our community walk the path of child rearing alone and it shouldn't be that way. You are so right to say that having a man does not define you but it is indeed beneficial to both mother and child. Keep reading and sharing!

Much Love,

I am the sum of my parts said...

Chi-Chi! As usual my dear, WELL SAID! I love it - FAUX NEWS!

Our children need parents. As Tony shared, sometimes we end up in situations that are far from what we planned and have to make do with what we have. This is real life but men and women, especially within our community need to realize the value in having both parents to raise a child. As you said Chi-Chi, girls need to knwo what it means to be loved and treasured by a father so they know to expect nothing less from a boyfriend/spouse. Boys need to be taught how to be men. Our women need not play the dual role in parenting. Yes, I concur Chi-Chi; everyday needs to be family day as well...

I am the sum of my parts said...

Joe, thanks for your support!

I am the sum of my parts said...

Kristen, thanks for your feedback! Keep reading!

I am the sum of my parts said...

Lisa, your comments have been so warm and thoughtful. Thank you for your support.

I am the sum of my parts said...

Mrs. Daniels, I look forward to your forthcoming blog. Keep reading and sharing!

Anonymous said...

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. The perpetuation of negative stereotypes of single mothers is sexist and unnecessary. Women are demonized for having children, yet men are lauded for impregnating.

love yourself first said...

In this day and age, why are women still having unprotected sex with men they are "dating"?

foxxychica said...

This is an excellant post.
@ love yourself first, I don't think anyone has the answer to why people do the things they do, if I did, I'd package it up and sell it. Everyone that is a single parent is not due to "just dating". I think the bigger question that really needs to be addressed is:Why are men fathering multiple children and not providing for them? It doesn't make any sense for men to have children and they do not provide for them.

The Original Wombman said...

Amoi, you know this blog is woefully neglected but I know you are about your business girl! I ain't mad. But, I went on ahead and tagged you anyway! (Check my blog). I know you are busy but hope you do it! :)