Monday, June 2, 2008

Who Do I Say I Am?

Woman, Artist, Wife, Mother, Daughter, Friend, Future = Amoi

I often reflect on the different components of my life. I think about what I have accomplished, what I have in the works and what I have yet only dared to conceive. It is easy to be looked at and defined by others simply based on a role you play. It is up to you to accept that definition or to define yourself by the sum of your parts. My life is just beginning and I will not let anyone define me. I am the sum of my parts and what I do today builds tomorrow... What are you doing today?


Anonymous said...

I agree. I found that a lot of people would view me as a failure or indecisive because I have many interests and passions in life. Who is to say that a person is suppose to focus on only one thing during this time on earth. I believe that people who have more interests are creative, unique individuals that live life to the fullest; who are not afraid to try new things (whether failure occurs or not); who take advantage of the opportunities. And people that cannot grasp that are just boring.

Unknown said...

You are so deep!

TruthHurts said...

You are right

I am the sum of my parts said...

Nicole, I agree.

I believe failure is not trying at something. I think we are suppose to exhaust our talents and take on every new task with boldness. Don't be afraid to have more than one interest. Life has too much to offer.


Hi there!

This question is SO CRUCIAL for black women to address....

Too many are focused on what black men say of black men value or devalue white society portrays them...and they spend more time reacting to all of that than they do answering the critical question you have posed.

Thanks so much for this piece...

Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

I am the sum of my parts said...

Lisa, thank you for your comments. I have been reflecting on different things in my life and preparing to come back and share more thoughts.

You're so on point with your comments. I think if we spend more time growing and developing who we are, we would care less about what others choose to label us. Many times we fall in the trap of feeling the need to defend ourselves and unfortunately it often does more harm than good in the long run. No one can define me and no one can take away what I posses on the inside.