Thursday, June 19, 2008

Puerto Plata part I: "Self Preservation"

It's been twenty four hours since I touched down on American soil.
Honestly, although my body is present, my heart is still in the Dominican Republic. I spent five days and four nights in the beautiful city of Puerto Plata. I traveled with my soon to be 83 year old grandmother (don't let the number fool you - she's got a lot of bite left in her bark). As a child, I never vacationed - unless you count that one trip to Florida when I was nine... and no I DIDN'T go to Disney. My grandmother worked hard and didn't know the meaning of getting away. This was a special trip because it was our first trip anywhere together, her first time on a plane and her first time out of the country. Getting her to go was (excuse the cliche) like pulling teeth. Her biggest problem was the airplane. Let's just say that while she was amazed by the flight, she never took her eyes off the wing. With light hearts, we arrived at our resort - The Grand Oasis Marien. This resort is already beautiful... no GORGEOUS and they are about to open the new additions at the end of next month. This was my first vacation without my family and might I add - MUCH NEEDED.

As I began my five day - four night get away, I thought about my grandmother and how much stress she has endured in her life. Even as a young girl, I knew that I wanted a different life for myself and my family. I wanted pictures on my wall and little to no drama (without going into much detail, we dealt with all kind of "ictions & isms" in my house. Couple that with four generations under one roof and needless to say it was at best, explosive). A decade plus some later, and here I lay under the same sun I see in New York but in someone else's backyard paradise. I lay thinking how I've already done more for myself in terms of enjoying life than my grandmother ever allowed herself to do. While I appreciate all that she has done for me, I know that in order to keep my world right, I have to have time for myself away from the usual. We "worry" (even if we don't admit to it or choose to use that word) about what we will do with our lives, what our children will do with their lives, money, relationships, family, possessions but too many of us don't take time to relax and take care of ourselves. We forget that if we don't take care of ourselves, we will be of no good use to our spouses, children or other significant loved ones. With this very much in mind, I lay on the beach, by the pool, took long walks, had an afternoon at the spa and relaxed.


The Original Wombman said...

"We forget that if we don't take care of ourselves, we will be of no good use to our spouses, children or other significant loved ones."

These are words to meditate on and to really keep in sight. Let the words "I have no time for myself" ever pass your lips.

The whole vacation sounds like it was fabulous and I'm so glad that your grandmother finally got a chance to fly! I'm also thrilled that her life has taught you so much. Wisdom has nothing to do with age as you so deftly show.

I would *love* to go to DR. How was the food?

Beautiful post mama!

I am the sum of my parts said...

Hey Chi-Love

Yes, having no time for myself had become common place. I was cocooned in my life as a wife and mother.

Taking time to relax after everyone went to sleep was a small start and then it branched out to every other Friday afternoon. I have not done the Friday thing in while but I am much more conscious about taking that time and not feeling bad about it. DR was indeed a release for me.

I'm thrilled that I got to share my grandmother's first experience on a plane and out of America. She has taught me many things and I love her dearly.

DR is BEAUTIFUL. You would enjoy the scenery and the beautiful people. (I also enjoyed the food!)